Monday, October 24, 2011

neurodermatitis, cod liver oil and ideas for walls

1. Wow. Who knew a late night of blog reading and a glass of wine could lead to a pretty interesting self-diagnosis? I've been reading these crazy, earthy, Christian mama blogs lately and have heard a few different people reference the Weston A Price Foundation, which is a group dedicated to traditions in food, medicine, etc. The other day I read a really informative article on what foods to start babies on when they are ready, which oddly enough seems to be egg yolks. Sometimes I feel guilty about my blog loving nature, but God is very much moving through these blogs to lead me to some answers. So, back to my self diagnosis. I read a word tonight that I have never heard before. Neurodermatitis. I think I have it. In the Weston A Price article, it describes people with neurodermatitis as having, "An inner life where the emphasis is on the head can lead to brooding too much about oneself and strict self control." That's all I can think about sometimes, because I tend to find myself scratching all the time. It says, "People who suffer from neurodermatitis tend to be “nervy” and hyperactive. The skin is excessively awake and overreacts, leading to inflammation. Reduced circulation in the hands and feet—cold hands and feet—and inability to tolerate bright sunlight are common in those with a tendency to neurodermatitis."

I literally just read all this, so I need to let it soak in a bit, but I feel like what I have has a name, and that is a big deal. Of course, I know I have excema, but there is a lot more to it, and this is part of it. I am on a journey of healing right now, of claiming the beauty in life for myself. I know no one is going to do the work for me. So, I need to take ownership of all of this with joy. There is a lot of joy to be had. Lots of beauty to be created. Lots of love to be felt. I am ready. Ready for the work, ready for the joy. It has been a long time. I am ready Lord to be the woman you created me to be.

2. Cod liver oil is apparently something I should definitely be taking. As well as proline and glycine.

3. The Lord keeps putting ideas in my head of things to put on these walls that keep staring me down. Now, doing the work to pull these ideas off is another thing!

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