Friday, July 6, 2012

today and the farm

Not feeling so hot. I woke up with diarrhea and have had it half of the day so far. I want to write what is presently happening more often, and guess what, today it is diarrhea. I want Darren to come home and watch the baby so I can sleep, but I also want to be strong and be able to manage without him.

The farm was so great. Before going on the trip, for the first time, I mentally made a list of all the things I was excited about. It's somewhat of a strange place, the dry prairie lands. Some people would probably go crazy there, but I think it's nice that it truly slows your pace down and forces you to appreciate the small things-- the big sky, the dry ground, the native grasses, good food, and family.

I appreciated the farm in a different way this trip. Uncle Tom took us out in his pick-up through on the dirt road, venturing off into the grasses of the rolling fields. We saw little oasis's of water for the cattle, and big expanses of sky. I asked many questions about the land and their farming practices. I saw empty farm outfits imagining myself and our little family living in one. But the loneliness, oh the loneliness would be heavy. I imagine a shift, a major shift would take place. Family would become the main social outlet, and friends would be a luxury, like an oasis for the cattle.

I hear baby babbling on the monitor. I wish I could have got my hair dried before he woke up, but alas...

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