Thursday, December 1, 2011


Lately I have been learning A LOT! So much so, that I hardly know where to begin to blog. Ever since reading The Unsettling of America (which I still need to process on this blog), I have been inspired/convicted/passionate about learning how to make things for our family, the things I typically buy at Target without question. The cost savings, quality, and nutrition of food and home products made yourself seem to be far superior to anything you can buy in a store. I am realizing more and more the true purpose and value I have in being a mother, wife and homemaker. It's funny, because all these things that have real, sustaining value are the things that aren't advertised or marketed in society because their is no money to be made by these things! Things like growing your own food, preserving it, being a stay at home mom, menu planning, and the list goes on and on. I know our consumeristic culture is completely driven by money and time, but I am feeling that more lately. It's like the blinders are coming off a little and things are more clear to me. The things of value require little money and lots of time, two things that don't equal value in the minds of most Americans. Since we don't make things with our hands anymore or produce much of anything any more, our value comes from how much money we have.

I have been praying for vision for our family since Archer was born, and it's funny/beautiful how I see God answering my prayers. I don't feel like He is saying anything like, "Move here", "Do this", but I do feel him breaking things down in my life, teaching me about myself, showing me where true life is found and giving me lots of resources to cultivate these lessons. I think something is in store for us because he is really moving, but right now, we are in the phase where he is preparing us and we are trying to be responsive.

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