Monday, December 5, 2011

motherhood and community

It is 1:45 am and I can't sleep. I have a slight stomach ache and therefore I am here on the 'puter. I often have a lot of crazy thoughts swirling around in my head. Today it is technically Monday morning and I am thinking about the week ahead. Sometimes motherhood seems like it should involve more community. Sure there are things like ECFE and Bible studies and MOPS if I wanted to get involved in that, but sometimes those things all feel so programmey to me. None of my close friends nearby have children yet, so maybe that's why I feel this way. I don't have many friends with kids that I can just call up and ask if they want to hang out. I wish it was more natural to see people I knew in my neighborhood on a daily basis. It's nice to be at home with Archer some days when I don't see anyone, but usually those days don't feel as full and rich as the days that I see people. Maybe it's just ideal of me to think that community used to be easier to come by? I have been off facebook for like a week or so now and I am realizing how big virtual community is becoming. I hardly talk to people on the phone anymore! I am totally a texter these days, which I have been convicted of. Virtual community is so not as complete as real community-- nuances and emotion get missed. My heart totally feels sad for the loss of real community and for people not seeming to have the same longing as me. I definitely feel a bit of rebellion against the ways of the world lately in the realms of food, technology, and advertising. I pray God does something with these achings and longings of my heart and that I can be responsive to those things.