Sunday, November 20, 2011

sick, unsettled, hard talk and SNOW

1. Archie has his first cold. Boo! I feel so bad for his little body. It must feel weird to cough for the first time in your life.

2. I feel unsettled about some things. I always vascilate with my faith, questioning different things. I want it to be more steady and to feel peace with my relationship with him. Lord, I thank you that I can talk to you about these things.

3. I have to have a hard conversation with someone I love and it's eating me up inside because it won't be easy and I don't know what I want to say. This person hasn't been receptive in the past which makes it even more hard, but I am changing a lot and things need to be said. Hopefully some change will come about in our relationship.

4. And finally, It snowed yesterday!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE snow. Always have, always will. I don't love it in April when I am longing for Spring, but I love it now! Time to hit the slopes!

1 comment:

  1. I am home today with fatigue and stomach problems and decided to read through your blog. You are coming along beautifully...You are gaining beautiful insight into yourself. I noticed some wonderful feelings being expressed. You do have a more color in your person then the soft blues and browns. I see some brilliant colors peaking out like sunsets, sunrises, fall leaves and rainbows. You are on a journey just like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz. Her life was dark and grey until she visited Oz and found herself. Her whole world looked different...not that her world changed but that she did. Love you dear precious girl, you are a gift "made especially by God". Colleen
