Friday, August 10, 2012


I feel like each day I read something...a little gem, a noteworthy post by someone. I take a nugget here, a nugget there...and I would like to keep record of these gems. I know not everyone would agree with these things that I think are gems, but that's ok. I am learning to see that I was created in a certain way, that I am specifically drawn to certain things and not to others and that is a beautiful thing.

So I will start with gem #1.

Sanctification through housekeeping, but more importantly homemaking:

I hope to return to this article when I feel like I am comparing myself to someone who seems like they have it all together all the time...cause that is a myth. Our work is never done, and if we can train ourselves to view our work differently-- the hard work-- the endless dirty diapers, the caring for a child when you are dog tired, the mundaneness of things--, then it may feel a little bit easier, a little bit more beautiful if we can see that we are being sanctified in the process.

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